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Why You Need HushFrame Raft Attachments


Updated: May 2, 2023

Noises from the room next door can be incredibly annoying and distracting, whether in a residential or commercial setting.

The physics of noise traveling through a wall is that sound (air vibrations) strikes one side of a wall and air pressure changes cause the wall to vibrate slightly. These vibrations re-radiate as air pressure changes on the other side of the wall, creating what we know as sound. The frequency of this effect is important in that lower frequencies of sound are generally muted more than higher frequencies. The bottom line is that loud sounds are noise. And the most effective way to prevent noise moving through walls is decoupling.

The installation of HushFrame Raft Attachments to decouple walls will silence the noise coming through walls. When someone plays loud music or creates other disruptive noises, you and everyone else in the building can relax or work in peace in your Hushframed space. You’ll experience truly soundproofed rooms without worrying about noise levels because the HushFrame Raft Attachments greatly reduce the amount of sound energy passing through walls.

The Wall as a Better Noise Blocker

The sound attenuation of a wall is influenced by several physical processes. Mass is a crucial factor to consider. The more mass there is in a wall, the less sound can pass through it. As a result, a concrete wall dampens sound more effectively than a wood framed wall, for example.

A typical wood-framed wall is made up of layers that contribute to sound absorption. Noise transmission is minimized through sound absorption inside the wall cavity best achieved through light insulation. The wall's surface bulk (drywall) also absorbs a measure of sound.

The HushFrame Raft Is an Inventive New Durable Clip

Installation of an array of HushFrame Rafts merely adds one inch to the thickness of a wall but its decoupling effects create impressive soundproofing results. A wall with HushFrame Rafts on one side and 5/8" drywall on each side of a 2" x 4" stud wall is just 5.75" thick. Walls with these components achieve a minimum rating of STC 53. Even in the most basic wall assembly, HushFrame Raft installation meets the National and Ontario Building Code requirements for sound isolation between residences.

The HushFrame Raft system installed in walls is also the most space-efficient decoupling solution on the market–saving significant floor space in multi-family buildings and other spaces. It works well with wood-frame AND steel-frame construction.

If this sounds like the live-in-peace solution you deserve,visit us today for more information or to get started on your soundproofing or new construction project.



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